High five! Friday, Sep 28 2012 

It’s Friday!!!.. and Sugarcane Festival weekend back in Cajun country. We just so happened to be home for it last year, and Landon had a lot of fun at the fair!

I’m linking up with From my Grey Desk for High Five for Friday!

Here’s my high five;

– I had a hot fudge sundae! I seriously don’t normally eat all kinds of sweets (we call it “trash” back in Cajun country..), but I have been craving them like crazy over the past two weeks. My very best friend always says, “Pregnancy will do that to you”. She is bound and determined to convince me to have another kid.

– We got the kitties a small cat tower and they love it. (Read; They wanted nothing to do with it so I put catnip all over it and now they are obsessed!)

– Speaking of kitties, the after hours emergency clinic that we took Leo to sent us a card with a keepsake of his paw print in it. I was very moved, and thought it was such a nice gesture.

– I took the sweetest picture of Landon as he was sleeping in our bed one morning. I don’t normally get pictures if him sleeping, and I love this one.

– Zachery is coming home tomorrow! Landon and I are very excited! We miss him! ❤

About my owl obsession.. Tuesday, Sep 25 2012 

It started because there is an owl at my Mom’s house, and Landon doesn’t listen. (I know that sounds kind of “rude”, but I’m just being honest here. My son has had a problem with listening ever since he could crawl. I have tried a lot of different things, and haven’t found anything that works 100% of the time.) And with that being said, if you have something against “scaring” your children you probably shouldn’t read any further, but it all started out as a joke.

Landon heard the owl one night while he was outside way too late. He was surprised by the noise, and didn’t know what it was. So, we told him.. and we also told him that if he didn’t use his listening ears the owl was going to get him. It worked(!!) for about two weeks… Then, he realized that the owl wasn’t going to get him. This was partly my fault. I “used” the owl too much because it was working. Now he loves owls, and so do I.

Before this, I didn’t really like them- not necessarily real owls, but the owl character that was starting to become popular for some reason. They are so cute (the real ones, too).

I’ve been seeing them everywhere.. I found a stuffed owl at Toys R Us, and today I found these at Wal-Mart…

They are so precious! I’m glad Zachery wasn’t with me, because I would have had to have them. (I don’t like to make impulse buys without him).

So, yeah, I tried to scare my child with owls, and we both fell in love with them! I may even get a tattoo. (;

How do you get your child to listen?! Seriously, I need to know. I will try anything! I’m going crazy here.

1/2 Birthday Monday, Sep 24 2012 

Yesterday was Landon’s half birthday. He’s already 2 1/2! I had wanted to make him half a cake, but I never got the stuff that I needed.. So, I had to settle for making him cookies. He didn’t mind! This makes me think about his actual Birthday, and I hope we get to make it back to Cajun country to celebrate it with family. I can’t wait to start planning it either way, but I better get through the holidays first.

Zachery also left to work in New Jersey all week. It will be a little lonely without him here, but I plan on getting a lot of house work done.. and working on some felt fall decorations! Landon had gathered acorns at the park, and I was planning on using them… I put them on the table in a bowl while I was figuring out what to do with them and Bently(the kitten) decided that it was for him to play with an ruined the bowl. I didn’t feel like picking them up through glass so they had to be thrown away. /:

I spent my first night alone drinking some wine and watching Investigation Discovery! I am completely obsessed with this channel. I even got my Mom addicted to it when she brought Landon and me back “home” about a year ago. On the way back to cajun country, she would not stay at a hotel that didn’t have the channel! She is ALWAYS watching it! She may even be more obsessed than me.

Also, the weather has been getting cooler here… It’s currently 64 degrees! This may sound nice to some people, but it is pretty cold to me. It’s 83 degrees back in Cajun country. That’s the temperature that I am used to! I can’t decided if I’m ready for the cold weather or not, but I might as well embrace it because its going to happen whether I want it to or not!

Build and Grow Sunday, Sep 23 2012 

Recently.. and I mean on Wednesday of last week, I found about about a free workshop that Lowe’s offers called Build and Grow.

I found out through a blog that I am subscribed to, Free Sample Freak. I have found out about a lot of freebies through this website, and I love it! Who doesn’t like free stuff!?

I had no idea that this workshop was free. I have seen it advertised before, but was not aware that it didn’t cost a dime. But, as soon as I saw the post about it I signed Landon up! (I even bribed him to go to sleep without making a fuss (he always makes a fuss… he always has..) the night before- WIN!)

He had so much fun, and he was really well behaved and attentive. There wasn’t that many kids at the Lowe’s that we went to, which was nice. The fire truck packs, a hammer, and goggles were just out on the table when we got there (We were the first ones because I was so nervous about being late and not getting a spot). We just picked a spot and got to work. The tables were too tall though, so Landon has to work on the dirty concrete floor of the receiving area in Lowe’s.

He had a lot of fun using his “bammer”. I think Zachery enjoyed it, too.

The finished project. He was not cooperating for pictures at this point.

He got a certificate, an apron, and a patch (not pictured). But, we didn’t get the apron until after he was done, so he had to put it on once we got home..


I am so glad I found out about this. I already have him scheduled for the next two workshops!

High Five Friday, Sep 21 2012 

It’s Friday! I hope everyone had a fun week!

I’m linking up with From my grey desk for High Five for Friday..

Here’s my H54F;

Meet Jack! My sisters new kitten. He is only about 4 weeks old. One of her coworkers found him in the ditch, and she took him in. Although I haven’t met him in person, he seems so sweet!

COTTON CANDY! It was delicious, although I should not have eaten it! Landon helped.

How cute is this owl that I found at Toys R Us. I’ve become obsessed with owls lately, and had been searching for a cute stuffed one… which is one of the only reasons I was willing to pay ten dollars for it.

I finally got my license plate for my new car!! I feel like its really mine now.

A star cookie! I love stars, and pink. (I even had pink hair at one point!)

Sorting and counting. Thursday, Sep 20 2012 

Landon has a lot of energy. A LOT!

We were visiting Cajun country for a few weeks, and spending the days at my Grandmother’s (Granny’s) house. And it was raining every. single. day so, I couldn’t take Landon outside to burn off his energy, and he was getting tired of the toys my Granny has.. So, I made a trip to the dollar store one day to look for cheap activities for him..

I found some colorful “pom-poms”. I’m not exactly sure what to call them. I’m sure you’ve seen them before..

My grandmothers saves caps from containers that she buys.. mostly detergent.

So, we put these two together and made a “game” for Landon.

He sorted and counted the colored pom-poms into their matching containers. I was surprised at how long this kept him occupied! And it only cost me a dollar!


I just love those onsie pajamas. He calls them his wheels.

What cheap activities have you done with your kids?

Chicken and Sausage Gumbo Wednesday, Sep 19 2012 


We had some cool weather this weekend so I decided to make gumbo! It’s the perfect food to warm you up, and it can feed a lot of people. I cook it for my husband, son and myself and we can eat on it about 3-4 times. It takes about 3-4 hours to cook, but it’s worth it!

1/8-1/4 yellow onion finely chopped
Roux (I use Savoie’s, but you can make your own)
Seasoning (I just use salt and pepper)
1 package sausage (sliced)
3 chicken breasts (cubed)
Cooked rice

-Sautée onion in large pot until clear
-Add roux (about 1/2 – 1 cup). Heat on medium/high until soft/melted. STIR
-Add hot water until pot is almost full.
-Bring to a boil and stir constantly until Roux is completely dissolved.
-Continue to boil for an hour. STIR. You don’t want it to stick to the pot. Continue to add water as it thickens. You want it to be “watery”- soup like.
-Add sliced sausage and boil for another hour. Continue to add water as it thickens.
-Season… I “just put.”
-Add chicken and cook for another 30-45 minutes. You can lower the temperature a little if you’d like. Continue to add water if needed.
-Taste and season to your liking.
-Serve over rice.


(I forgot to take pictures in the process, but I will add them next time I cook this..)

Let me know if you have any questions.. I’ll be happy to help!

Linking up; Delightful Order Inspiring Thursday

Cloud dough fun Monday, Sep 17 2012 

I made cloud dough for Landon last week while the weather was so nice. He loves playing outside, and always wants to play in sand. So, I thought this would be a good idea. It wasn’t as big of a hit as I thought it was going to be, but he still enjoyed it.

You can find the recipe by googling “Cloud Dough”. I used about 4 cups of flour and 1/2 cup of baby oil.

I added some tractors, cups, coins, and a dinosaur for Landon to play with.

I brought it outside and let him play, but he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it at first.


But, he got the hang of it soon and started digging in..

And then it got too hot with no shade on the driveway, so we brought it to the backyard where there was more shade…

He had the most fun making a “castle” with the bowl, and then knocking it down with his tractor!

Have you ever made cloud dough? What other activities do you like to do with your toddler?

Linking up;

A picnic at the park.. Sunday, Sep 16 2012 

It didn’t exactly turn out as planned.. It never does.

First, we forgot the blanket that we left out in plain sight, but it was still put to good use at home…

Then, Landon fell asleep on the way there.. Which wasn’t so terrible, because he probably needed the rest..

There are two different playground areas at Triad Park. So, we let Landon play on one before we ate..

Then, we ate at one of the picnic tables since we forgot the blanket, and gathered acorns in Landon’s wagon..

And headed to the other playground to let him play more..

As you can tell, he loves the park. And I like taking him because it let’s him burn off some energy!
I’m so glad we took him yesterday, because today the weather is very dreary and rainy. /:

Leonardo Sunday, Sep 16 2012 

I lost one of my cats tonight. He had to be put to sleep because of medical reasons. He was only 3, and was the most loving, gentle, and tolerant cat I have ever met. He was my cuddle buddy, and slept with me every single night. RIP Leonardo. <;3


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